Traditional Marketing Strategies That Still Work in Today’s Digital Age

Oct 18, 2022 | Listen

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  • Traditional Marketing Strategies That Still Work in Today’s Digital Age
Traditional Marketing Strategies That Still Work in Today's Digital Age

As a business owner, more often than not, there is an unseen force compelling you to tie all your marketing efforts down to social media and all things digital. But this can get overwhelming for those used to traditional marketing strategies and even the most well-versed in digital marketing.

There seems to be a never-ending list of new tactics, platforms to embrace, and trends that appear overnight and then seem to die overnight too!

In today’s fast-paced “there’s-always-a-next-big-thing-in-digital-marketing” landscape, many of you have forgotten that some old-school marketing strategies still work too!

And amidst this chaotic digital age, specific tried and tested traditional strategies may be just as effective as some of today’s new ideas.

So what are some examples of traditional marketing tactics you can use today to help grow your business?

In this episode of Help! My Business Is Growing; Nedra Rezinas and I chat about old-school or traditional marketing techniques worth taking a second look at.

We discuss how networking, referral marketing, and other non-social-media-heavy strategies can help you expand your reach, find new leads, and grow your business.

Timestamps for this week’s episode

  • 02:33 How can people market themselves without relying solely on social media?

  • 05:10 What strategies work for clients with a smaller social media presence?

  • 12:53 How important is CRM when it comes to digital and traditional marketing?

  • 18:49 What is referral partner marketing?

  • 36:51 Actionable step to transition from social media to traditional marketing tactics in the next few weeks?

What are some traditional marketing ideas you can do without relying solely on social media?

  • Focus on Email marketing

This might not be the top of mind for many people, but email marketing is effective if done correctly.

  • Find Referral partners

Connect with people in related fields and see how you can work together and collaborate to increase business for each other.

  • Good old Networking

If you like to meet and talk to people and share that instant energy, leverage your strength and network.

How important is CRM when it comes to digital and traditional marketing?

Despite our best efforts, we often fail to reach out promptly to our customers. Or we think we reached out to them in the past even though we did not.

Your CRM is critical to all your marketing efforts because it keeps you honest about:

  • what are you doing
  • what are you tracking
  • who do you need to reach out to
  • what progress have you made

It puts down in black and white whether you’ve reached out to someone.

You’re sure of your next action because your past action is there, recorded in black and white.

CRMs are critical to helping you keep honest about what you're tracking, who you're reaching out to, and what progress you're making.

What is referral partner marketing?

Referral partner marketing is similar to referral marketing but with a twist.

Instead of incentivizing your past customers to spread the word about your product and services, you partner up with people who have similar clients and are doing something adjacent or complementary to what you do but are not competing with you.

Take some time to think about your client, and then think about who they’re touching in their interactions. And those people could easily be your referral partners.

For example, if you are a personal organizer, your clients need to organize their homes or spaces because they usually go through a life transition. Maybe they are now empty nesters, moving houses, going through relationship changes, and more.

You can then talk to professional movers, realtors, counselors, divorce lawyers, and the like.

They can easily refer business to you and vice versa. You can also collaborate on a one-off project and grow the relationship.

“Think about what your client is going through, and then think about who they’re touching as well in their interactions. [Those] could easily be your referral partners.” – Nedra Rezinas

Where do you find referral partners

It will depend on your clients and what they are going through.

You need to identify who they will interact with and target them as potential referral partners.

Once you nail down who those referral partners are, you need to determine where they’re hanging out. You can check:

  • LinkedIn
  • Association/Trade groups of that relevant industry
  • Networking groups

What is vital, however, is that you must share similar values with potential partners and check whether these groups and associations are well-run or legitimate.

Simply be a human with people. They appreciate it when you remember details about their own lives and actually connect with them.

Actionable step to transition from social media to traditional marketing tactics in the next few weeks

Make a list of your audience and your core community and note:

  • Where do you speak or interact with them?
  • Who are they?
  • How can you contact them?

And slowly have them move into the spaces or platforms you’ll be focusing on in the future, be it live events, webinars, podcasting, email marketing, and more.


  • Email marketing, Referral partners, and Networking are great examples of effective, non-social-media-heavy marketing strategies.
  • CRM is crucial to all marketing efforts to keep you organized and track customer interactions which can impact your growth.
  • Referral partner marketing is finding people in complementary industries to whom you can collaborate and send potential leads and, hopefully, vice versa.
  • LinkedIn, Association/Trade groups, and Networking groups are great places to find referral partners but vet them thoroughly first.
  • Come up with a list of your current audience and community and slowly transition them to hearing from you on another platform or method if you want to start moving your business out of social media.


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About guest – Nedra Rezinas

Marketing Strategist & Delegation Trainer

Nedra Rezinas Coaching

Nedra Rezinas is a marketing consultant who helps service-based entrepreneurs learn to delegate and outsource to scale their business and do more work in their “zone of genius”.

She has over 20 years of direct experience in marketing and online business, specializing in developing custom marketing strategies that attract high-value clients.

Website –

LinkedIn –

Other Resources Mentioned in the Episode:




Less Annoying CRM


Audience Listening Tool

Spark Toro

Gifting Community

Gift.Grow.Win John Ruhlin | Giftology: The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through the Noise, Increase Referrals, and Strengthen Retention

About host – Kathy Svetina

Kathy Svetina is a Fractional CFO for growing small businesses with $10M+ in annual revenue.

Clients hire her when they’re unsure about what’s going on in their finances, are stressed out by making financial decisions, or need to structure their finances to keep up with their growth.

She solves their nagging money mysteries and builds a financial structure with a tailored financial strategy. That way they can grow in a financially healthy and sustainable way.

Kathy is based in Chicago, IL and works with clients all over the US.

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How to Pick the Right ERP

How to Pick the Right ERP

Allison Cummins and Kathy Svetina share how ERP implementation and change management can help small businesses in the Help, My Business is Growing podcast.

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